Frequently Asked Questions

  • After you have reviewed my portfolio and determined my artistic style vibes with your vision, you can fill out the form here to check my availability for your date.

    • During the process, which you can read about further here, we will have a consultation where I gather details regarding your event and vision.

    • I will send you sketched ideas after our consultation and gather your feedback.

    • About a month prior to your event, we will have a follow up meeting to touch base on any changes and ensure we are in alignment.

    • On the day of your wedding, I will arrive early to set up and begin painting the background, and will provide stress-free entertainment to you and your guests.

    • I will take the painting home at the end of the evening for refining and to apply a finishing coat that will keep your unique memento preserved appropriately, and either hand deliver or ship the painting to you within 4-5 weeks from your wedding date.

  • My live wedding painting prices will vary, based on canvas size, number of individuals in your painting and distance/travel expenses.

    • The costs include:

    ○ all supplies needed

    ○ a pre-planning consultation and sketch for your feedback

    ○ live painting entertainment at your event

    ○ continued refinement and detail work at my studio

    ○ the painting once complete

    ○ shipping

    • Travel fees apply in addition to standard pricing. To learn more about my pricing packages, visit my pricing page, and contact mefor further information!

  • I do require a retainer payment of 25% of the total cost in order to book. This payment is contributed to your total cost, and is not in addition to the total. We can discuss the best way to split up the payments. The remaining balance may be paid in installments, with 50% of the total due 3 months prior to your event date, and the total payment due 1 week prior to your wedding day.

  • Wedding painting is a unique and sought after option to elevate any wedding, so I always recommend booking as soon as possible. If you are interested, but are not yet able to commit, I do offer an opportunity to reserve your date for 1 calendar month for a fee of $150. This date reservation fee is non-refundable as during the time you have reserved the date, I will turn down other customer requests.

    This fee will be contributed to your total investment, and is not in addition. I generally request at least 3 months advance notice to ensure sufficient time for planning, however in alignment with my payment structures 50% retainer would be required to book 3 months or less in advance.

  • I'm happy to travel to your event. I absolutely love that while I get to help you celebrate one of your happiest days, I also continue to widen my horizons, see new people and places. I do charge travel fees dependent on distance, if outside a 4 hour radius from my home base. If flight is required, I utilize quotes on rates out of the KCI airport and 1-2 nights of lodging. To learn more about my pricing packages, visit my pricing page, and contact me for further information! I also document my experiences traveling on my blog (link) and at both my Instagram and Facebook pages.

  • Yes! If I'm not able to paint at your wedding, whether that be due to lack of availability or budget concerns, I also create post-wedding paintings from a photo, in order to commemorate your day. To learn more about my pricing packages, visit my pricing page, and contact me for further information!

  • My set up at your wedding is quick, simple, and aimed to be stress-free for you. After all, you've put in so much work organizing and planning, the day of your event is meant for you to enjoy!

    Typically, I will bring my own easel and everything I need to create including my paints, mason jars and brushes, and of course your canvas. I lay a tarp down to preserve floors under my painting, approximately 5x5 feet. The only things I need are a space where I can observe, and guests can observe me, access to an outlet indoors for lighting, water, and a sink to dispose of the paint water at the end of the evening.

  • I arrive at an event around 3 hours early in order to set up, and begin painting the background and setting the scene. I will paint through the ceremony, reception, and dance, for approximately 4-6 hours as entertainment for your guests.

  • I will take the painting home at the end of the evening for refining and to apply a finishing coat that will keep your unique memento preserved appropriately, and either hand deliver or ship the painting to you within 4-6 weeks from your wedding date.

  • I utilize heavy body, fast drying acrylic paint on thick heavy-duty canvas. I also use an archival, glossy, non-yellowing and waterproof finishing spray once I've taken the painting back to my studio for finishing details, to preserve the painting for years to come.

  • Certainly! During our initial consultation we will focus on your creative vision and determine who you would like to incorporate in your painting.

  • While I will be painting from life from your event, I will also take multiple photos throughout the evening. Because my style leans more towards realism, I often utilize reference photos to ensure that I am accurately capturing the details you've worked so hard to perfect.